
I am Managing Partner for Research & Development for Devon Partnership NHS Trust and a University Fellow at the University of Exeter. I received my MSc (a meta-narrative review on suicide and media) from The Peninsula Medical School / University of Exeter, in 2010.

As a health services researcher, my research includes mixed-method approaches in both online and off-line settings, and have included the investigation of patterns of ecstasy (MDMA) use in two English counties, the identification and management of suicide ‘hotspots’, the use of SMS Text Messages to support people who self-harm and the role of online communities for people who self-harm. Research, inovation and NHS interests include technology in the NHS, suicide and self-harm and community wellbeing.

Prior to my NHS research role, I worked as a support worker, naturopath and nutritionalist for people with problematic drug use (heroin, cocaine and crack) and with young offenders and before that I practiced extensively as a sports therapist for the British Olympic Cycling Team, an International Professional Mountain Bike Team, The Australian Institute of Sport, The British National Mountain Bike Squad and other professional and amateur athletes.

I run a lot.

I am married to Mary and we have three children.

You can connect with me via TwitterLinkedInSkypeGoogle+, or Facebook

Look at my pictures on Flickr and my film work on Vimeo (or here)

You can find out about some of my academic life here and my employer here