If I was in control, I mean really in control, there would be chapters of my life that I would not have lived. I just would not have let them happen. I am not going to bother spelling these chapters out, but I am certain we have all lived similar experiences: death, failure, illness and so on.
I love watching films, and I believe that films (much like books) can change the way we think, feel, and ultimately deal with life events. Films can speak to us at many levels, particularly when they provide an opportunity to learn about ourselves in more profound ways based on how we respond to different characters and scenes. But, one of things that does not sit comfortably with me is the ‘Hollywood approach‘. The idea that every story should resolve well to the benefit of the hero. While I guess this is one fantasy that I think we all must enjoy escaping to, from time to time, but it has never felt right to me. On the other hand, many folks are utterly committed to the un-resolving nature of soap operas (but that will have to be another blog post).
This desire to make fictional films about issues that do not resolve, in a way that might be helpful is something I love to do. This film in an example (go on, watch it now if you haven’t, it is only 3m30sec long).
OK, you back?
The story of this film was inspired by the many, many stories I encounter every day, stories that in some way show that if we can but reframe things a little, the struggle can also be some kind of blessing, or more realistically, an experience to learn from. Something that religion, churches and the like try to do, is tell us a Hollywood-esk story. Give your live to this and everything will be ok. I reckon this is religion just being like any other capitalist enterprise. The church/car company/uber cool tech company have product, they show how product can transform our life, we buy the myth, we go to great lengths convincing ourselves we need this thing, often going into debt. And then, we live a life trying to tell ourselves that yes, things are ok, no, not ok, but better, perfect even.
For me, church (that is a group of people I commune with) should be the very opposite of this. It should be a safe place, where there is no pressure to think that everything is ok and will be magically fixed, but a place where we can be real, open, honest, and I hope, to be uncomfortably comfortable with live.
Right, I have no idea if that makes sense, but I shall post it anyway!
It’s making time to stop, think and be helpful. That can be so easy to forget to do.