Mid year review

Back in January I blogged about a few thing I would like to do in 2012.  Well, now seems like a good time to post an update, so here goes (but not necessarily in the same order as the first post)

1. The photo project. OK, this one is not going too well, I am not sure I have even managed one a month. Actually, that is not true, I just have not bothered to tag or group them as part of a photo52 or photo12 project.

Perhaps I will do that in retrospect!  I continue to perfect my skills taking photos for Mary and her fantastic sewing adventures and Etsy shop.

Vintage Sheet Bunting

2. Make more films. So I have made a little progress here, I helped out on a film called Landscape, now in post production.

And I have done a few documentary, interview shorts for work, so again, nothing to write home about, but steady progress none the less. I will post a link or two in due course.

3. Learning to ride a longboard. Well, this has been a late starter, but we are now off the ground, by a couple of inches, and skating. I am the proud owner of a Comet Flying Spaghetti Monster, or FSM for short.


Boy is it hard. I need to invest in some more protective gear, and a large dose of courage. There is a story behind getting a board, but more of that to follow another time.

4. Blogging. Well, its going ok!

5. Running. The less said the better – I have hardly managed to run at all. Perhaps this should be rescheduled as an Autumn project?